Monday, December 1, 2014

Crowdsourcing, Wikipedia, and The Cloud

The idea of crowdsourcing is very interesting to me, particularly with the thought of large numbers of people coming together to co-create something that would have perhaps taken much longer when done with one person.  The only draw back I would imagine, besides the obvious dependence on people's willingness to participate and the time it takes for them to complete their part, would be the thought of cohesive style.  When one makes a film, say an auteur director, everything about the film tends to point in some way to that directing personality.  If you diversify the work into a group of directors - for example, all of the people involved in a crowdsourcing project - then that singular directorial vision would be lost in some way and replaced with the styles and visions of all involved.  This could be good or bad depending on the initiator's intended design.  I never knew Wikipedia was so crowdsourced of an encyclopedia.  It is really awesome that collaborator's from all over the world are contributing to its knowledge base, because people of similar cultures as well as who may speak from experience have the opportunity to input on different subjects at any time.  It is also wonderful that the subjects get to be crowdsource checked by readers and voted approved or not.  It just makes me wonder about new subjects that not many people have interacted with and therefore not many can verify or deny.  The concept of cloud filmmaking is cool as well - especially translating each film into different languages for a more universal distribution.